Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 1 - Ho Chi Min City Young Life Training

What an amazing day. As I sat at breakfast this morning the word that keep coming to mind is unworthy. Who am I, we, to come all the way around the world to teach these amazing people? Yet that is exactly where I am and what I am doing. Today we took time to unpack 'What is Young Life' and the Incarnation. Two small subjects :0. In my first picture Johnny (one of our staff people) is standing next to Josh Powell (AD from Seattle), and Denae Wood (from Singapore). On the White board is the Young Life mission statement and the 5 C's of Young Life translated in Vietnamese.

Here is a quick video when we took a break and had all the leaders play (Human Knot)...great stuff..

After a crazy travel day, and it being past 11pm, I am DONE for the the day. I would to go on about the fish head soup we had for lunch or the black eggs...but will save the food update for my next post...enough to keep you interested right??



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